How to enlarge the penis at home

measure the size of the penis

Many men are dissatisfied with the size of their genitals. To enlarge their penis, some of them turn to plastic surgeons. A surgery is then prescribed, in which implants are stitched under the skin of the penis, enlarged substances or fats taken from other parts of the body are injected.

Penis lengthening surgery is an effective procedure that is expensive and carries certain risks. It is safer to "erect" and lengthen the penis at home with simple and effective methods.


Penis enlargement pills are popular in men of different ages for four reasons:

  • Available;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Effective;
  • Minimal negative likelihood.

All penis growth pills are developed by well-known companies and brought to the market after a rigorous testing process. Meanwhile, it is not possible to buy them in regular pharmacies. They are not drugs, so they are sold over the Internet or in health food stores.


The list of the best means for penis enlargement includes various drugs. Funds contribute to the development of the penis in terms of length and diameter, since during the use of funds, the penis becomes filled with blood and stretches. The effect becomes permanent with only the regular use of the drug.


In order not to be harmful to your health, you only need to use penis enlargement medicines after consulting your doctor.

Gel and cream

Topical preparations are more effective than tablet preparations, since their active ingredients immediately enter the penis, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. They are recommended for those who do not want to damage their liver and try to get good results in a short time.

The composition of the composition contains botanical extracts and synthetic active ingredients that help the main substances easily penetrate the skin of the penis and enter the cavernous bodies. The working principle of cavernous enlargement creams and gels is based on stimulating blood circulation, opening the veins and dilating the cavernous tissue cavities.

The use of external products consists of three phases:

  1. Wash the genitals with soap;
  2. Apply the gel or cream to the shaft and tip of the penis;
  3. Rub the medicine into your skin using gentle movements.

This procedure is repeated 2 times daily - in the morning and at bedtime. The first positive changes will happen in 1-1, 5 weeks. The erection will be stronger and the penis will be about 0. 5 cm longer.


There are many penis enlargement exercises, but all of them are not able to help resolve the problem quickly. This technique is for men who are patient with a strong will. So for those who hope for a quick result without using chemicals will be ineffective.

penis enlargement exercises

Before starting the exercises, you need to do a "warm-up" for the smooth muscles of the pharynx and perineum. First, wash the penis, then use your hands to knead it thoroughly to increase blood flow. Next, you need to squat a little with your knees outstretched.

After the "warm-up", one or more exercises should be performed:

  • Kneeling in a sitting position.The man sits down on his back, stretches his knees to one side, lubricates his hands with any gel and begins to stroke the penis down. Movements should be confident and steady, but not painful or uncomfortable. You need to do the exercise for 10-15 minutes. If sitting in this position is difficult, you can lean back against the sofa or closet;
  • Jelqing.The man was standing, his feet shoulder-width apart. He needs to grab the penis and pull it forward from the pubic bone. Keep your penis outstretched for 10 seconds. Then you need to release it and wait for 5 seconds of pause. On the first day, the steps were repeated 10 times. Each day after that, the number of stretches is increased by two. At the end of the first course, members are drawn 100 times a day (can be in phases);
  • Prolonged.In a squatting position, you need to bring the penis back to an erect state and use the palms of the hands to hold the foreskin. Then, the penis is gently pulled downwards. After 10 seconds, you need to relax the penis, then repeat the above steps 10 more times. Each day, the time to pull the penis down increases to a few seconds, up to 30.

A man who is ready to practice penis stretching exercises should note that this technique is not suitable for those who:

  • Congenital or acquired curvature of the penis;
  • Polyps in the urethral tube;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also, don't do such exercises if they cause pain and discomfort in the perineum.


Should combine vaginal muscle training with the use of drugs or folk remedies to increase yang.

Mechanical penis enlargement methods

Mechanical penis stretchers are a good alternative to exercise. In this case, it will be possible to enlarge the penis faster and without prolonged sessions. You can buy vacuum pumps and extenders to extend your penis on the Internet or in intimate stores.

The difference between a cheap and an expensive fixture lies only in the quality of the material used to manufacture the structure. An expensive device will last longer.

Vacuum pumps

Penis enlargement vacuum pumps

The vacuum pump includes:

  • Bottle for the penis;
  • Sealants;
  • Exhaust system (creating a vacuum).

Some models come with a pressure gauge that allows you to control the pressure in the pump, a ring for erection and a vibrating massage machine.

You need to use a vacuum device according to the following scheme:

  • Wash the penis thoroughly with antibacterial soap, and rinse the flask with clean water;
  • Genitals and devices are dried with a paper towel;
  • The jar is inserted into the penis;
  • With the help of a rubber bulb, air is pumped out of it;
  • When the penis begins to stretch with the vacuum, the pearl rubber holder is tightened.

After 15 minutes, the flask is filled with air and carefully removed. If the penis is in a strong erection, take it out after you release it so that you don't hurt it.

Penis enlargement pump

The vacuum pump should be used for 35 days (2 times a day). During this time, the penis will increase in length and become wider. The effect will last for six months. You will then need to use the pump again.

The vacuum stretching method is suitable for men with:

  • Diabetes;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • Acquired malformation of cavernous bodies;
  • High sensitivity of nerve receptors;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Bladder stones;
  • Malignant cyst or tumor;
  • Thin ship;
  • Thrombosis.

Also, the use of a vacuum pump is undesirable for people with priapism (long and painful erections).

Extended person

penis stretchers

Doctors say using a stretcher is the best way to enlarge a penis without surgery. It has been tested by millions of men and with the correct use of the equipment, the method gives good results.

The extender design includes the following elements:

  • Support ring;
  • Clip;
  • Magnification rods.

The retainers are:

  • Vacuum cleaner;
  • Exploit;
  • Vacuum binder;
  • Strap.

Using an extender is different from using a vacuum pump and includes the following step-by-step steps:

  • The penis and the entire structure of the extender is washed with soap;
  • The extension is attached to the penis so that the support ring is against the pubic bone;
  • The lanyard (strap, vacuum tip or harness) is inserted into the tip of the penis;
  • With the help of the regulator, these bars are elongated, so the penis is elongated.

Expansion kit must be worn for one hour. After one week, the period was extended to 2 hours. The maximum time allowed to wear the device is 3 hours. The length of time that the penis will stretch is 30-45 days.

penis stretchers

The downside of using a stretcher is that it lengthens the penis, but doesn't make it wider. In addition, during use, a man feels certain discomfort, sometimes pain. In addition, the design does not allow to leave the house, as it is visible under clothes.


Common consequences of using the foreskin stretcher are swelling of the penis, bruising, blue head, pain when touching the penis. They will go away on their own within 5-7 days after you stop using the device.


stretch strap to increase penis size

Expansion extenders are an alternative to bulky mechanical structures. It is an elastic string with a holder at the end (usually a vacuum tip). Its advantage is that it is not visible under clothing and can be used even in the workplace.

Plan for using the drafting system:

  • An attachment is attached to the washed penis;
  • The member was pulled aside;
  • The bandage wraps around the leg or hip and is secured with a hook.

To prevent the penis from bending as a result of such actions, you need to pull it in a different direction every day. For example, today it will be stretched to the right, and tomorrow - to the left.

penis stretching machine

People with health problems should not use the extender:

  • High sensitivity of the skin of the penis;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Tumors of various etiologies;
  • Polyps in the urethral tube.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are not the most effective way to enlarge the penis, but one of the safest. It is based on the use of such herbs:

  • Ginkgo;
  • Ginseng;
  • Prickly apples;
  • Musk;
  • Sage;
  • Sage tree;
  • Tubers;
  • Sage tree;
  • Mountain girl.

Some plants can be grown on their own, others will need to be purchased from a dry pharmacy.

herbs for penis enlargement

Concentrated broths are made from the herbs listed. To do this, you need to take a liter of water, pour it into 5 tablespoons of any plant, then boil it over low heat. After boiling, let cool, absorb a clean cloth and wrap it around the penis and wrap it with food wrap. In addition, the herbal solution can be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 5 and drink.

Compressing and taking the product in a pile in the morning and evening will increase blood flow to the small pelvis and contribute to penis enlargement. It can be said that this method is similar to taking herbal tablets and using creams or gels.

To enhance the effect of the plant, you can add the following ingredients to the broth, used externally:

  • Crushed orange peel;
  • Black pepper;
  • Oil.

They will speed up blood circulation and saturate the tissues of the penis with helpful substances, making the cavernous body elastic and strong.